Monday, May 13, 2019

"The Time is Now"

Greetings Pathfinder Parents, Friends and Community Members!

It is hard to believe that the school year is about finish! Our 9 Seniors will be walking across the stage this Friday, May 17 at 6:00 pm to receive their diplomas! We are so proud of each student and their accomplishments - Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
The last day for all other students is Thursday, May 23 with a dismissal at 12:00pm. Students will spend the last week finishing classes and becoming proficient in the standards. If a student is not proficient, they will be referred to summer school for standard recovery.
Our last mindset that we are learning about is "The Time is Now".  The Time is Now mindset teaches that all your power exists in the moment. You cannot change the past and the future has not happened, so the only thing to do is take purposeful act the present to create the ultimate life of your dreams.

Create a vision board and develop an action plan with your children. Teach them how to prioritize, and encourage them to take positive and purposeful action toward their dreams. Sometimes, small steps can make the biggest difference, simply by taking action. It's okay to plan, but while many people wait for the perfect plan or moment in time before they act, the happiest and most successful individuals take action all the time... even (and especially) when their plans aren't perfect.

Thank you for all of your support this year and going into next school year! Please make sure you have completed the Online Registration Form for next school year!! GO PANTHERS!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Live to Give

Happy Spring PHS Parents and Friends!

As the school year is quickly coming to an end, we continue to focus our Social Emotional Learning around
“The 7 Mindsets”.  All students participate weekly in lesson taught by Mrs. Harrison and this month we
are focusing on “Live to Give”.

The Live to Give mindset teaches that abundance in one's life is a cycle. To receive love, respect
and financial security, one must first learn to give those things. This mindset also teaches that the
greatest gift you can ever give is finding and leveraging your unique genius to maximize your positive
impact on the world, knowing that good things will be returned to you in kind.

The students have worked together to create service projects this month tied to their own passions.  
For example, we have students visiting Westward Heights, having lunch with Headstart,
Fishing with Friends from Baldwin Creek Elementary and reading to a 1st grade class at
Ft. Washakie Elementary.  Each day students are sharing ideas and acting on them in order to
give back to our community!

It is important to get our students involved in service projects. This helps create self-worth, and allows
our students to help others while feeling the great satisfaction of making a difference. We have explained
to the students that giving doesn't have to be reserved for special occasions or only be done when you
achieve a certain level of success. Ideally, giving is connected to causes that they are passionate about
and integrated into our daily lives.
PHS Students raking a neighbor’s yard for a Random Act of Kindness

A few important reminders:

*Complete the Online Registration for next school year before the end of May!  
You will need to log into your Infinite Campus portal. If you need help, call Vivian - 335-705
*PHS Graduation - May 17 at 6:00 pm at Pathfinder High School
*No School Monday April 22
*WYTOPP Test for 9th and 10th Grade Students - Wednesday April 24

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Greeting PHS parents, students, staff and community!

This month we are focusing on the Mindset - 100% Accountable.  
The 100% Accountable mindset teaches us that we are not victims of our past, that our futures
are not predetermined, and that our lives are what we choose them to be at this moment and each moment forward. With a focus on recognizing fears and excuses, this mindset helps us to break down barriers, freeing our minds and focusing our energy on taking critical steps toward our goals. Do not enable; empower! The greatest gift you can give your children is the confidence to fail, face adversity, and overcome challenges. As educators, we sometimes connect our own ego to our child's successes and accomplishments. Unfortunately, this sacrifices the most important thing, which is giving them the ability to survive and thrive without us. Celebrate failure by teaching your children that it may be the most important ingredient to their ultimate success.
I hope you have seen or heard by now about the wonderful work the students and staff at PHS have done regarding the State Salamander Bill! Students drafted the bill, testified at Senate and House committees, talked to legislators and were recognized through a Mayor's Proclamation for their hard work. It all paid off and we traveled to Cheyenne for the signing of the bill by Governor Gordon! This was truly a team effort and I am proud of everyone involved!
We are completing the 3rd semester - March 7 is the last day! Please encourage your child to finish strong! Complete all work and attend every day!